Your MBTI - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - is the result of probably the most widely used personality assessment tool. Based on four different dimensions, your self-assessment (or test result if you prefer to pay the fee) leads to one of 16 possible results. The assessment is rapid and based on your preferences along each dimension's scale. Your personality type is expressed as a four character code - mine, for example, is INTJ - and comes with an associated description of how you as an individual are likely to operate.
So, does it work? Well, the sheer weight of numbers behind this method and its long-lasting popularity would have to indicate that it's pretty accurate. From my own perspective, INTJ is certainly a good fit for me.
Why should you care? The MBTI can help you become more self-aware, so it's good from a personal development point of view. It can also help identify potential personality conflicts which, from a team or group dynamics perspective, can be invaluable.
MBTI can give you useful insight, so I recommend you invest a few minutes to get yourself up to speed.